Confidence Teaching any Adult to Swim

Imagine having a system to answer any question, break down any skill, and have a step-by-step guide in teaching adult swimming.  Swimming is easy and joyful so should teaching even the very most fearful adult.

Water Is Amazing and Healing

You want to help

You want to help them learn, but there is a gap in your learning.  We will teach you how to close this gap by learning the physical and mental skills adults need.

Ever wondered why adults learning to swim

Can't relax. Ask difficult questions. Struggle to float. Or worse panic?

Foundations of Change for Swimming

A learning system for teaching adults

  • Mental Steps

    Adults need mental steps to prevent panic, be reliable for their own safety, and to heal from any negative past experiences in the water.

  • Physical Steps

    Adults need the physical steps to be broken down into smaller more intentional parts. Smaller than most proficient swimmers ever remember doing.

  • Process for Learning

    Everyone comes with a slightly different perspective and questions. Teachers need a process for handling every scenario with confidence and ease.

Join Now: Start Learning Today

Confidently teach adult how achieve their life dream to be safe and confident in water so they never miss out again . This is the BEST JOB EVER.

Expert swimmer doesn't equal expert teacher

When You Are a Certified Teachers

Teachers need training & support just like students. Accelerates learning for everyone.

  • You will be able to help students relax and understand the physiology to get them there

  • Ability to answer adults questions (ones that kids never ask) with confidence

  • Thrill and delight with a student who jumps into the deep water and is not in a hurry to get to the side because they are safe in the deep water

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and How To Use this Pre-Course

    2. Welcome!

    3. Share Your Learning

    1. What Story Are You Telling Yourself

    2. Why Does It Matter?

    3. Activity to Do Now

    4. Step 1

    1. Creating Safety and Trust

    2. Why Does It Matter?

    3. Activity to Do Now

    4. Activity to Do Now

    1. Finding the Right Size Step

    2. Why Does It Matter?

    3. Activity to Do Now (and the next time you are in water)

    4. Reflections

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


  • Can I take the training if I do not currently teach swimming?

    Yes. This training gives you all the steps to be a highly qualified swim teacher for adults. You need to know how to swim, be able to get a Lifeguard certificate, have the desire to help others, and openness to learning something new.

  • What qualifications do I need to have?

    You need to be able to swim. This means you can move from here to there with comfort and ease getting air and rest when you want regardless of where the side, bottom or shore is located. You can return to calm when something unexpected happens. You have or are able to get a Lifeguarding Certificate.

  • What should I expect from the training?

    You should expect to learn the psychology behind the emotions of fear, panic, curiosity, and excitement and how to harness them to help adults learn. This will be applied to the detailed steps of swimming. And you will learn the system of guiding students toward success.

  • When is the next training going to happen?

    Training start 2 times a year. One in the spring and one in the fall.

  • After I take the training what will I be certified to do?

    You will be able to open your own swim practice or work for a public pool.

  • Is there ongoing support after the certification training?

    Yes. Once you are certified there is ongoing meeting for all certified instructors who want to participate. These meetings offer continued education, case study reviews, and asking questions from teaching to running a business. Additionally, you can participate in advanced and business training if you choose to open your own practice.

  • How long is the training?

    The training is made up of 14 modules. There are multiple parts for each module. We recommend doing one a week. You will have 6 months to complete the modules, quizzes, video submissions, and final test. The training includes feedback on your video submissions, twice monthly live Zoom sessions, and additional support with customer support.

Students Are Waiting For You

You can start right now while you wait for your cohort to begin.